After the Song Works
Creating Yumminess With the Short Cut Capo
Choosing Mics for Singers
How to select the right mic for the singer's voice.
Stephen Webber
Video Duration:
0:16:43 Choosing a Key That Works For You
How to make the most of your voice and your performance.
Randall Williams
Video Duration:
0:17:13 Breathing
Coloring Chords With Open Strings
Open strings and chordal color create wonderful, new sounds!
Randall Williams
Video Duration:
0:08:05 Breath and Body
The essential connection between breath and body.
Randall Williams
Video Duration:
0:11:13 Fundamental Concepts of Mixing
What should you really consider when you're mixing your track? How do you choose what to focus on? Use the rule of three and other ideas, too.
Stephen Webber
Video Duration:
0:20:34 Techniques for Recording Acoustic Guitar
How to mic acoustic guitars and use different mic setups for different results.
Stephen Webber
Video Duration: