Doing the Work
Rhyme Types
Rhyme works like harmony. It can be used to make your lines feel stable or unstable.
The difference between the free-flowing first draft of a song, and the more analytical tweaking that's required for rewriting.
Prosody (Seskin)
Examples where lyrics and music are a perfect marriage and the whole song works together
Using Chords
Profound examples of how experimenting with the chord beneath important melody notes can affect the emotional impact of a song.
Writing Emotional Songs: Part 1: Lyrics
There's a knack to writing songs that matter to people. Bonnie shares her secrets.
Writing Emotional Songs: Part 2: Notes
Choose notes that make moments in your songs feel more emotional.
Point of View
How to find the most powerful way to tell any story.
Writing the Big Chorus: Delayed Gratification and the Power of One: Part 1
Writing Outside the Box
Here we explore specific ways to make your songs unique and less predictable.
Prosody Part 1: Introducing Prosody
Prosody Lecture Part 1: Supporting the song's intent using the five elements of lyric structure.